Sunday, March 22, 2015


Cardmaking/Crop Fundraiser
May 2nd is officially National Scrapbooking Day!!!
Come JOIN us for a DAY of CREATIVE fun as we
raise $ for the CHILDREN of Operation Smile

Saturday, May 2, 2015
at Shoup’s Gym, Rt. 23—Morgantown
Located right along Rt. 23—East of Morgantown. 2593 Main St. Morgantown PA (Rt. 23 West)
Gym is on the RIGHT side, 1.2 miles AFTER you pass the Windmill Restaurant at Rt. 10 & 23. Carpool if possible
Scrapbooking Crop—8am-8pm COST: $35
The perfect day to create till your hearts content! Included in your day: 6 ft. cropping space, chair, goodiebag, chance to win door prizes, Wi-Fi, 12 hrs of cropping, lunch, dinner & drinks. Please BRING a snack to
share. If bringing your Cricut, please bring extension cord too. A 2- page class will be available for a small fee.
Cardmakers—9:30am-3:30pm COST: $30
We will be CREATING 8+ cards, using BRAND NEW products!! Are you ready to learn some
new ideas & techniques? ☺ Included in your day: creation of 8+ cards, door prizes, goodie bags, lunch, drinks.
Please bring your adhesive and other “reg” cardmaking tools. Please Bring a snack to share.

 There will be a table with HANDMADE cards.  100% of proceeds will go to the children.
CARDS- $1.50 ENVELOPES- $.25

Sign the waiver and include payment before
April 20th!          Seats ARE limited!!

Please mail form and your registration
fee by April 20th to...
Joyce Houck
513 Township Line Rd
Bechtelsville, Pa 19505
Name & Address:
Phone #:
# of persons attending:
Circle ONE ~~~~ Scrapbooker OR Cardmaker
2 page layout class? YES OR NO
Total amt due:
Your Consultants’ Name:
Waiver: Michael and Cynthia Shoup will not be held responsible for any accidents, damages, or injury while on their property
and surrounding premises. This waiver extends to all claims of every kind or nature whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, known
or unknown.
I understand this waiver and agree to be personally responsible for any incident on my behalf.
Name: (print)_________________________________
If you would like to pay using Paypal go to the very bottom of the blog page